
VIP haiwai
From Here to the Moon and Back(深深爱着你)Dolly Parton
  • 上传会员:lizd99
  • 舞曲类型:国标舞曲上传 - 华尔兹舞曲
  • 文件格式:mp3
  • 下载音质:0Kbps
  • 文件大小: 0 B
  • 舞曲时长:00:04:00
  • 舞曲金币:6金币
  • 上传时间: 2022-05-23
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    舞友评论 (共有 1 个评论)

    回复 lizd99 2022-5-23 07:21
    I love you to the Moon and Back是习语非常非常爱你. 中文歌名:深深爱着你
    传奇乡村女歌手Dolly Parton演唱
    I could hold out my arms, say "I love you this much"
    I could tell you how long I will long for your touch
    How much and how far would I go to prove
    The depth and the breadth of my love for you?
    From here to the moon and back
    Who else in this world will love you like that?
    Love everlasting, I promise you that
    From here to the moon and back
    From here to the moon and back

    I want you to know you can always depend
    On promises made and love without end
    No need to wonder how faithful I'll be
    Now and on into eternity

    From here to the moon and back
    Who else in this world will love you like that?
    Forever and always, I'll be where you're at
    From here to the moon and back
    From here to the moon and back

    I would blow you a kiss from the star where I sat
    I would call out your name to echo through the vast
    Thank heaven for you and to God, tip my hat
    From here to the moon and back
    And I'll spend forever just proving that fact
    From here to the moon and back
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    舞曲介绍:这首From Here to the Moon and Back(深深爱着你)Dolly Parton由会员lizd99上传更新,这首舞曲被收录在华尔兹中。衷心感谢会员lizd99与大家分享美妙动听的舞曲,夏那一舞资源也会因为你们的支持而更精彩!