
VIP haiwai
维也纳Be Mine Tonight(今夜回忆爱) Blackmore\'s Night的歌
  • 上传会员:lizd99
  • 舞曲类型:国标舞曲上传 - 维也纳舞曲
  • 文件格式:mp3
  • 下载音质:0Kbps
  • 文件大小: 0 B
  • 舞曲时长:00:02:50
  • 舞曲金币:5金币
  • 上传时间: 2022-06-13
  • 电脑端只提供一段高品质在线试听,APP端试听则是完整版的哦!
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    舞友评论 (共有 1 个评论)

    回复 lizd99 2022-6-13 07:23
    Be mine tonight
    We'll travel through all our memories
    In our own little space in time
    You've always been mine

    Through the years
    I feel your love beside me
    Through the laughter and the tears
    You've conquered all my fears

    So many stories
    So many treasures
    So much our lives have shared...
    We've done it all and we've done it together
    You know I've always cared

    In this heart
    There'll never be another
    You have made my life complete
    Our love is like a dream

    So many stories
    So many treasures
    So much our lives have shared...
    We've done it all and we've done it together
    You know I've always cared

    Take my hand
    Nothing can come between us
    We were always meant to be
    Forever, you and me

    In my eyes
    Your face is always before me
    Our souls are now as one...
    We've only just begun
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    舞曲介绍:这首维也纳Be Mine Tonight(今夜回忆爱) Blackmore\'s Night的歌由会员lizd99上传更新,这首舞曲被收录在维也纳中。衷心感谢会员lizd99与大家分享美妙动听的舞曲,夏那一舞资源也会因为你们的支持而更精彩!